package transparent.core; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi; import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Erase; import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole; import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Color; import jline.CandidateListCompletionHandler; import jline.Completor; import jline.ConsoleReader; public class Console { private static Command root = new Command("", new ModulesCommand(), new TasksCommand(), new HistoryCommand(), new ExitCommand(), new TriggersCommand(), new MigrateCommand(), new TestServerCommand(), new ImageQueueCommand()); private static ReentrantLock consoleLock = new ReentrantLock(); private static int nestedLock = 0; private static boolean isReading = false; private static final String PROMPT = "$ "; /* ANSI string codes for text formatting */ public static final String BOLD = new Ansi().bold().toString(); public static final String UNBOLD = new Ansi().boldOff().toString(); public static final String RED = new Ansi().fg(Color.RED).toString(); public static final String BLUE = new Ansi().fg(Color.BLUE).toString(); public static final String GRAY = new Ansi().fgBright(Color.BLACK).toString(); public static final String DEFAULT = new Ansi().fg(Color.DEFAULT).toString(); public static final String ERASE = new Ansi().eraseLine(Erase.ALL).toString(); private static List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<Token>(); private static ConsoleReader in = null; private static final ConsoleCompletor completor = new ConsoleCompletor(); private static AtomicBoolean historyEnabled = new AtomicBoolean(true); public static Boolean parseBoolean(String token) { if (token.equals("1")) return true; else if (token.equals("0")) return false; String lower = token.toLowerCase(); if (lower.equals("true") || lower.equals("on") || lower.equals("yes") || lower.equals("y")) return true; else if (lower.equals("false") || lower.equals("off") || lower.equals("no") || lower.equals("n")) return false; return null; } public static void flush() { AnsiConsole.out.flush(); } public static void lockConsole() { if (!consoleLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) consoleLock.lock(); else nestedLock++; if (isReading && in != null) { AnsiConsole.out.print(ERASE); AnsiConsole.out.print(new Ansi().cursorLeft( in.getCursorBuffer().cursor + PROMPT.length())); } } public static void unlockConsole() { try { if (isReading && in != null) in.restoreLine(); } catch (IOException e) { } if (nestedLock == 0) consoleLock.unlock(); else nestedLock--; } public static void write(byte[] data) throws IOException { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.write(data); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(boolean b) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(b); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(char c) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(c); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(int i) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(i); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(long l) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(l); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(float f) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(f); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(double d) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(d); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(char[] c) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(c); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(String s) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(s); unlockConsole(); } public static void print(Object obj) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(obj); unlockConsole(); } public static void println() { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(boolean b) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(b); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(char c) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(c); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(int i) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(i); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(long l) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(l); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(float f) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(f); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(double d) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(d); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(char[] c) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(c); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(String s) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(s); unlockConsole(); } public static void println(Object obj) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.println(obj); unlockConsole(); } public static void format(String format, Object ... args) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.format(format, args); unlockConsole(); } public static void format(Locale l, String format, Object ... args) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.format(l, format, args); unlockConsole(); } public static void append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.append(csq, start, end); unlockConsole(); } public static void printWarning(String className, String methodName, String message) { commandWarning(className + '.' + methodName, message); } public static void printError(String className, String methodName, String message) { commandError(className + '.' + methodName, message); } public static void printError(String className, String methodName, String message, Exception exception) { commandError(className + '.' + methodName, message, exception); } private static void commandWarning(String command, String message) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(BOLD); AnsiConsole.out.print(command + " WARNING: "); AnsiConsole.out.print(UNBOLD); AnsiConsole.out.print(message); AnsiConsole.out.println(); unlockConsole(); } private static void commandError(String command, String message) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(RED + BOLD); AnsiConsole.out.print(command + " ERROR: "); AnsiConsole.out.print(UNBOLD + DEFAULT); AnsiConsole.out.print(message); AnsiConsole.out.println(); unlockConsole(); } private static void commandError(String command, String message, Exception exception) { lockConsole(); AnsiConsole.out.print(RED + BOLD); AnsiConsole.out.print(command + " ERROR: "); AnsiConsole.out.print(UNBOLD + DEFAULT); AnsiConsole.out.print(message); if (exception != null) { if (message.length() > 0) AnsiConsole.out.print(' '); AnsiConsole.out.print(exception.getClass().getSimpleName() + " thrown. "); String exceptionMessage = exception.getMessage(); AnsiConsole.out.print(GRAY); if (exceptionMessage != null) AnsiConsole.out.print(exceptionMessage); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter wrapper = new PrintWriter(writer); exception.printStackTrace(wrapper); wrapper.flush(); AnsiConsole.out.print(writer.toString()); wrapper.close(); AnsiConsole.out.print(DEFAULT); } AnsiConsole.out.println(); unlockConsole(); } private static void escape(StringBuilder token, char escapeChar) { switch (escapeChar) { case '"': token.append('"'); break; case '\'': token.append('"'); break; case ' ': token.append(' '); break; case '\n': token.append('\n'); break; default: token.append('\\'); token.append(escapeChar); } } private static Cursor lexCommand(String input, int cursor, List<Token> tokens) { int start = 0; StringBuilder token = new StringBuilder(); Cursor pointer = null; LexerState state = LexerState.NORMAL; for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { if (i == cursor) pointer = new Cursor(tokens.size(), token.length()); switch (state) { case NORMAL: if (input.charAt(i) == '\'') state = LexerState.SINGLE_QUOTE; else if (input.charAt(i) == '\"') state = LexerState.DOUBLE_QUOTE; else if (input.charAt(i) == '\\') state = LexerState.NORMAL_ESCAPE; else if (Character.isWhitespace(input.charAt(i))) { if (token.length() > 0) tokens.add(new Token(token.toString(), start, i - start)); token = new StringBuilder(); start = i + 1; } else token.append(input.charAt(i)); break; case SINGLE_QUOTE: if (input.charAt(i) == '\'') state = LexerState.NORMAL; else token.append(input.charAt(i)); break; case DOUBLE_QUOTE: if (input.charAt(i) == '\"') state = LexerState.NORMAL; else if (input.charAt(i) == '\\') state = LexerState.QUOTE_ESCAPE; else token.append(input.charAt(i)); break; case NORMAL_ESCAPE: escape(token, input.charAt(i)); state = LexerState.NORMAL; break; case QUOTE_ESCAPE: escape(token, input.charAt(i)); state = LexerState.DOUBLE_QUOTE; break; default: printError("Console", "parseCommand", "Unrecognized lexer state."); } } if (pointer == null) pointer = new Cursor(tokens.size(), token.length()); if (token.length() > 0) tokens.add(new Token(token.toString(), start, input.length() - start)); return pointer; } private static void printTasks( Collection<Task> tasks, boolean isRunning) { for (Task task : tasks) { String module = "<null>"; if (task.getModule() != null) module = task.getModule().getIdString() + " (" + task.getModule().getModuleName() + ")"; print(BLUE + BOLD + "[" + task.getId() + "]" + UNBOLD + DEFAULT); println(" Task type: " + task.getType().toString()); println(GRAY + " module: " + DEFAULT + module); println(GRAY + " scheduled execution: " + DEFAULT + new Date(task.getTime())); println(GRAY + " is running: " + DEFAULT + isRunning); println(GRAY + " reschedules: " + DEFAULT + task.reschedules()); println(GRAY + " dummy: " + DEFAULT + task.isDummy()); println(GRAY + " state: " + DEFAULT + task.getState()); } } public static boolean parseCommand(String line) { lexCommand(line, line.length(), tokens); if (tokens.size() > 0) { if (tokens.get(0).getToken().equals("exit")) return false; try {, 0); } catch (Exception e) { printError("Console", "parseCommand", "", e); } in.setUseHistory(historyEnabled.get()); if (in.getCompletors().isEmpty()) in.addCompletor(completor); if (consoleLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) consoleLock.unlock(); } tokens.clear(); return true; } public static boolean initConsole() { try { lockConsole(); in = new ConsoleReader(); in.addCompletor(completor); CandidateListCompletionHandler handler = new CandidateListCompletionHandler(); handler.setAlwaysIncludeNewline(false); in.setCompletionHandler(handler); unlockConsole(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { printError("Core", "initConsole", "", e); return false; } } public static void runConsole() { try { while (true) { isReading = true; String input = in.readLine(BOLD + PROMPT + UNBOLD); isReading = false; if (!parseCommand(input)) break; } } catch (IOException e) { printError("Core", "startConsole", "", e); } } private static class ConsoleCompletor implements Completor { private int complete(Command command, List<Token> tokens, Cursor cursor, int tokenIndex, List<String> completions) { String match = ""; if (tokenIndex < tokens.size()) match = tokens.get(tokenIndex).getToken(); if (tokenIndex == cursor.getTokenIndex()) { match = match.substring(0, cursor.getTokenPosition()); for (Command subcommand : command.getSubcommands()) { if (subcommand.getName().startsWith(match)) completions.add(subcommand.getName() + ' '); } if (tokenIndex < tokens.size()) return tokens.get(tokenIndex).getSourcePosition(); else if (tokens.size() > 0) return tokens.get(tokenIndex - 1).getSourcePosition() + tokens.get(tokenIndex - 1).getSourceLength() + 1; else return 0; } else { int found = -1; boolean multiple = false; for (Command subcommand : command.getSubcommands()) { if (subcommand.getName().equals(match)) { int newfound = complete(subcommand, tokens, cursor, tokenIndex + 1, completions); if (newfound != -1) { if (found == -1) { found = newfound; } else multiple = true; } } } if (multiple) return tokens.get(tokenIndex).getSourcePosition(); else return found; } } @Override @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public int complete(String input, int pos, List completions) { List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<Token>(); Cursor cursor = lexCommand(input, pos, tokens); int position = complete(root, tokens, cursor, 0, completions); if (position == -1) return 0; return position; } } private static class ModulesCommand extends Command { public ModulesCommand() { super("modules", new AddModuleCommand(false), new AddModuleCommand(true), new RemoveModuleCommand(), new LoadModulesCommand(), new SaveModulesCommand(), new GetModuleCommand(), new SetModuleCommand()); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() > 1) {, index); return; } Console.lockConsole(); println(Core.getModuleCount() + " module(s)."); for (Module module : Core.getModules()) { println(BOLD + "Module id: " + module.getIdString() + UNBOLD); println(GRAY + " name: " + DEFAULT + module.getModuleName()); println(GRAY + " source: " + DEFAULT + module.getSourceName()); println(GRAY + " url: " + DEFAULT + module.getModuleUrl()); println(GRAY + " sourceurl: " + DEFAULT + module.getSourceUrl()); println(GRAY + " api: " + DEFAULT + module.getApi()); println(GRAY + " is remote: " + DEFAULT + module.isRemote()); println(GRAY + " blocked downloading: " + DEFAULT + module.blockedDownload()); println(GRAY + " active logging: " + DEFAULT + module.isLoggingActivity()); println(GRAY + " is saved: " + DEFAULT + (module.getPersistentIndex() != -1)); } Console.unlockConsole(); } } private static class AddModuleCommand extends Command { private final boolean force; public AddModuleCommand(boolean force) { super(force ? "forceadd" : "add"); this.force = force; } private void usage() { Console.println("usage: modules add [name] [source] [path] [url]" + " [sourceurl] [api:binary|json] [is remote] [use blocked downloading]"); } private void addModule(String name, String source, String path, String moduleUrl, String sourceUrl, Module.Api api, boolean remote, boolean blocked) { long id = Core.random(); Console.lockConsole(); if (!force) { Console.println(BOLD + "Module id: " + Core.toUnsignedString(id) + UNBOLD); Console.println(GRAY + " name: " + DEFAULT + name); Console.println(GRAY + " source: " + DEFAULT + source); Console.println(GRAY + " path: " + DEFAULT + path); Console.println(GRAY + " url: " + DEFAULT + moduleUrl); Console.println(GRAY + " sourceurl: " + DEFAULT + sourceUrl); Console.println(GRAY + " api: " + DEFAULT + api); Console.println(GRAY + " is remote: " + DEFAULT + remote); Console.println(GRAY + " use blocked downloading: " + DEFAULT + blocked); } try { Boolean response = true; if (!force) { in.setUseHistory(false); response = parseBoolean(in.readLine("Add this module? ")); while (response == null) { Console.println("Must specify a boolean parameter."); response = parseBoolean(in.readLine("Add this module? ")); } } if (response) { Module module = Module.load(id, name, source, path, moduleUrl, sourceUrl, api, remote, blocked); if (module != null && Core.addModule(module)) Console.println("Module '" + name + "' added. " + "Use 'modules save' to push changes to database."); } } catch (IOException e) { return; } finally { Console.unlockConsole(); } } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() > 2) { /* parse the arguments */ if (args.size() < 8) { Console.lockConsole(); commandError("modules add", "Too few arguments."); usage(); Console.unlockConsole(); return; } else if (args.size() > 10) { Console.lockConsole(); commandError("modules add", "Too many arguments."); usage(); Console.unlockConsole(); return; } String name = args.get(2).getToken(); String source = args.get(3).getToken(); String path = args.get(4).getToken(); String moduleUrl = args.get(5).getToken(); String sourceUrl = args.get(6).getToken(); Module.Api api = Module.Api.load(args.get(7).getToken()); if (api == null) { Console.commandError("modules add", "Unrecognized API field '" + args.get(7).getToken() + "'."); return; } Boolean remote = false; if (args.size() > 8) remote = parseBoolean(args.get(8).getToken()); Boolean blocked = true; if (args.size() > 9) blocked = parseBoolean(args.get(9).getToken()); if (remote == null || blocked == null) { Console.println("[is remote] and [use blocked downloading]" + " must be boolean arguments."); return; } addModule(name, source, path, moduleUrl, sourceUrl, api, remote, blocked); } else { try { in.setUseHistory(false); String name = in.readLine("Enter module name: "); String source = in.readLine("Enter module source: "); String path = in.readLine("Enter path: "); String moduleUrl = in.readLine("Enter module URL: "); String sourceUrl = in.readLine("Enter source URL: "); Module.Api api = Module.Api.load(in.readLine("Enter API (binary|json): ")); if (api == null) { Console.commandError("modules add", "Unrecognized API field."); return; } Boolean remote = parseBoolean( in.readLine("Is the module remote? ")); while (remote == null) { Console.println("Must specify a boolean parameter."); remote = parseBoolean( in.readLine("Is the module remote? ")); } Boolean blocked = parseBoolean( in.readLine("Use blocked downloading? ")); while (blocked == null) { Console.println("Must specify a boolean parameter."); blocked = parseBoolean( in.readLine("Use blocked downloading? ")); } addModule(name, source, path, moduleUrl, sourceUrl, api, remote, blocked); } catch (IOException e) { commandError("modules add", "", e); } } } } private static class GetModuleCommand extends Command { public GetModuleCommand() { super("get"); } private void usage() { println("usage: modules get [id] [name|source|path|remote|api|blocked|activelog|url|sourceurl]"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() != 4) { lockConsole(); commandError("modules set", "Incorrect number of arguments."); usage(); unlockConsole(); return; } long id; try { id = new BigInteger(args.get(2).getToken()).longValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("modules set", "Unable to parse module id."); return; } Module module = Core.getModule(id); if (module == null) { commandError("modules set", "No module found with specified id."); return; } String key = args.get(3).getToken(); if (key.equals("name")) println(module.getModuleName()); else if (key.equals("source")) println(module.getSourceName()); else if (key.equals("path")) println(module.getPath()); else if (key.equals("url")) println(module.getModuleUrl()); else if (key.equals("sourceurl")) println(module.getSourceUrl()); else if (key.equals("api")) println(module.getApi().toString()); else if (key.equals("remote")) { println(Boolean.toString(module.isRemote())); } else if (key.equals("blocked")) { println(Boolean.toString(module.blockedDownload())); } else if (key.equals("activelog")) { println(Boolean.toString(module.isLoggingActivity())); } } } private static class SetModuleCommand extends Command { public SetModuleCommand() { super("set"); } private void usage() { println("usage: modules set [id] [name|source" + "|path|remote|blocked|api|activelog|url|sourceurl] [value]"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() != 5) { lockConsole(); commandError("modules set", "Incorrect number of arguments."); usage(); unlockConsole(); return; } long id; try { id = new BigInteger(args.get(2).getToken()).longValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("modules set", "Unable to parse module id."); return; } Module module = Core.getModule(id); if (module == null) { commandError("modules set", "No module found with specified id."); return; } String key = args.get(3).getToken(); String value = args.get(4).getToken(); if (key.equals("name")) module.setModuleName(value); else if (key.equals("source")) module.setSourceName(value); else if (key.equals("path")) module.setPath(value); else if (key.equals("url")) module.setModuleUrl(value); else if (key.equals("sourceurl")) module.setSourceUrl(value); else if (key.equals("api")) { module.setApi(Module.Api.load(value)); } else if (key.equals("remote")) { Boolean parsed = parseBoolean(value); if (parsed != null) module.setRemote(parsed); else { commandError("modules set", "Unable to parse boolean parameter."); } } else if (key.equals("blocked")) { Boolean parsed = parseBoolean(value); if (parsed != null) module.setBlockedDownload(parsed); else { commandError("modules set", "Unable to parse boolean parameter."); } } else if (key.equals("activelog")) { Boolean parsed = parseBoolean(value); if (parsed != null) module.setLoggingActivity(parsed); else { commandError("modules set", "Unable to parse boolean parameter."); } } } } private static class SaveModulesCommand extends Command { public SaveModulesCommand() { super("save"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (Core.saveModules()) println("Successfully saved " + Core.getModuleCount() + " modules."); else commandError("modules save", "Error occurred while saving modules."); } } private static class RemoveModuleCommand extends Command { public RemoveModuleCommand() { super("remove"); } private void usage() { println("usage: modules remove [id]"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() != 3) { lockConsole(); commandError("modules remove", "Incorrect number of arguments."); usage(); unlockConsole(); return; } long id; try { id = new BigInteger(args.get(2).getToken()).longValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("modules remove", "Unable to parse module id."); return; } Module module = Core.getModule(id); if (module == null) { commandError("modules remove", "No module found with specified id."); return; } if (!Core.removeModule(module)) commandError("modules remove", "Could not remove module."); } } private static class LoadModulesCommand extends Command { public LoadModulesCommand() { super("load"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (!Core.loadModules()) commandError("modules load", "Error occurred while loading modules."); } } private static class TasksCommand extends Command { public TasksCommand() { super("tasks", new LoadTasksCommand(), new SaveTasksCommand(), new QueuedTasksCommand(), new RunningTasksCommand(), new AddTaskCommand(true), new AddTaskCommand(false), new RemoveTaskCommand()); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() > 1) {, index); return; } List<Task> queued = Core.getQueuedTasks(); List<Task> running = Core.getRunningTasks(); Collections.sort(queued); Collections.sort(running); Console.lockConsole(); println((queued.size() + running.size()) + " total task(s)."); printTasks(queued, false); printTasks(running, true); Console.unlockConsole(); } } private static class LoadTasksCommand extends Command { public LoadTasksCommand() { super("load"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (!Core.loadQueue()) commandError("tasks load", "Error occurred while loading tasks."); } } private static class SaveTasksCommand extends Command { public SaveTasksCommand() { super("save"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (Core.saveQueue()) println("Successfully saved " + Core.getTaskCount() + " tasks."); else commandError("tasks save", "Error occurred while saving tasks."); } } private static class QueuedTasksCommand extends Command { public QueuedTasksCommand() { super("queued"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { List<Task> queued = Core.getQueuedTasks(); Collections.sort(queued); Console.lockConsole(); println(queued.size() + " task(s) queued."); printTasks(queued, false); Console.unlockConsole(); } } private static class RunningTasksCommand extends Command { public RunningTasksCommand() { super("running"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { List<Task> running = Core.getRunningTasks(); Collections.sort(running); Console.lockConsole(); println(running.size() + " task(s) running."); printTasks(running, true); Console.unlockConsole(); } } private static class AddTaskCommand extends Command { private final boolean force; public AddTaskCommand(boolean force) { super(force ? "forceadd" : "add"); this.force = force; } private void usage() { Console.println("usage: tasks add [parse type] [module id]" + " [start time] [reschedules] [dummy] [state]"); Console.println(" [parse type] can either be 'info', 'list', or 'image'."); Console.println(" [start time] must be an integer indicating milliseconds from now."); Console.println(" [dummy] indicates whether information is written to the database."); Console.println(" [state] is the state data passed to the module."); Console.println(" By default, reschedules is false, dummy is true, and state is empty."); } private void addTask(TaskType type, Module module, long time, boolean reschedules, boolean dummy, String state) { Console.lockConsole(); if (!force) { Console.println(BOLD + "Task type: " + type.toString() + UNBOLD); Console.println(GRAY + " module id: " + DEFAULT + module.getIdString()); Console.println(GRAY + " module name: " + DEFAULT + module.getModuleName()); Console.println(GRAY + " time: " + DEFAULT + new Date(time).toString()); Console.println(GRAY + " reschedules: " + DEFAULT + reschedules); Console.println(GRAY + " is dummy: " + DEFAULT + dummy); if (state != null) Console.println(GRAY + " state: " + DEFAULT + state); } try { Boolean response = true; if (!force) { response = parseBoolean(in.readLine("Add this task? ")); in.setUseHistory(false); while (response == null) { Console.println("Must specify a boolean parameter."); response = parseBoolean(in.readLine("Add this task? ")); } } if (response) { Task task = new Task(type, module, time, reschedules, dummy, state); if (task != null) { Core.queueTask(task); Console.println("Task queued. " + "Use 'tasks save' to push changes to database."); } } } catch (IOException e) { return; } finally { Console.unlockConsole(); } } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() > 2) { if (args.size() < 5) { lockConsole(); commandError("tasks add", "Too few arguments."); usage(); unlockConsole(); return; } String typeString = args.get(2).getToken().toLowerCase(); TaskType type; if (typeString.equals("list")) { type = TaskType.PRODUCT_LIST_PARSE; } else if (typeString.equals("info")) { type = TaskType.PRODUCT_INFO_PARSE; } else if (typeString.equals("image")) { type = TaskType.IMAGE_FETCH; } else { lockConsole(); commandError("tasks add", "Unable to parse task type."); usage(); unlockConsole(); return; } long id; try { id = new BigInteger(args.get(3).getToken()).longValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("tasks add", "Unable to parse time."); return; } Module module = Core.getModule(id); if (module == null) { commandError("tasks add", "No module found with specified id."); return; } int time; try { time = Integer.parseInt(args.get(4).getToken()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("tasks add", "Unable to parse module id."); return; } Boolean reschedules = false; if (args.size() > 5) reschedules = parseBoolean(args.get(5).getToken()); Boolean dummy = true; if (args.size() > 6) dummy = parseBoolean(args.get(6).getToken()); if (reschedules == null || dummy == null) { Console.println("[is remote] and [use blocked downloading]" + " must be boolean arguments."); return; } String state = null; if (args.size() > 7) state = args.get(7).getToken(); addTask(type, module, System.currentTimeMillis() + time, reschedules, dummy, state); } else { try { in.setUseHistory(false); String typeString = in.readLine("Enter task type: (list|info|image) ").toLowerCase(); TaskType type; if (typeString.equals("list")) { type = TaskType.PRODUCT_LIST_PARSE; } else if (typeString.equals("info")) { type = TaskType.PRODUCT_INFO_PARSE; } else if (typeString.equals("image")) { type = TaskType.IMAGE_FETCH; } else { lockConsole(); commandError("tasks add", "Unable to parse task type."); usage(); unlockConsole(); return; } long id; try { id = new BigInteger(in.readLine("Enter module id: ")).longValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("tasks add", "Unable to parse module id."); return; } Module module = Core.getModule(id); if (module == null) { commandError("tasks add", "No module found with specified id."); return; } int time; try { time = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine( "Enter scheduled time (in ms from now): ")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("tasks add", "Unable to time."); return; } Boolean reschedules = parseBoolean(in.readLine( "Does this task automatically reschedule? ")); while (reschedules == null) { Console.println("Must specify a boolean parameter."); reschedules = parseBoolean(in.readLine( "Does this task automatically reschedule? ")); } Boolean dummy = parseBoolean(in.readLine( "Disable writing to the database? ")); while (dummy == null) { Console.println("Must specify a boolean parameter."); dummy = parseBoolean(in.readLine( "Disable writing to the database? ")); } String state = in.readLine("Enter initial module state (or leave empty): "); if (state.length() == 0) state = null; addTask(type, module, System.currentTimeMillis() + time, reschedules, dummy, state); } catch (IOException e) { commandError("modules add", "", e); } } } } private static class RemoveTaskCommand extends Command { public RemoveTaskCommand() { super("remove"); } private void usage() { println("usage: tasks remove [id]"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() != 3) { lockConsole(); commandError("tasks remove", "Incorrect number of arguments."); usage(); unlockConsole(); return; } int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(args.get(2).getToken()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("tasks remove", "Unable to parse task id."); return; } Task task = Task.getTask(id); if (task == null) { commandError("tasks remove", "No task found with specified id."); return; } Core.stopTask(task, true); } } private static class HistoryCommand extends Command { public HistoryCommand() { super("history"); } private void usage() { println("usage: history on [optional:file]"); println(" history off"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { if (args.size() < 2) { commandError("history", "Too few arguments."); usage(); return; } Boolean on = parseBoolean(args.get(1).getToken()); if (on == null) { commandError("history", "Unable to parse boolean parameter."); return; } if (on) { if (args.size() == 3) { String filename = args.get(2).getToken(); File file = new File(filename); if (!file.exists()) { try { if (!file.createNewFile()) { commandError("history", "Cannot create file '" + filename + "'."); return; } } catch (IOException e) { commandError("history", "", e); return; } } else if (!file.canRead() || !file.canWrite()) { commandError("history", "No read/write access" + " to given file '" + filename + "'."); return; } try { in.getHistory().setHistoryFile(file); } catch (IOException e) { commandError("history", "", e); return; } } else if (args.size() > 3) { commandError("history", "Too many arguments."); usage(); return; } /* only turn on history if there are no errors */ historyEnabled.set(true); in.setUseHistory(true); } else { historyEnabled.set(false); in.setUseHistory(false); } } } private static class MigrateCommand extends Command { public MigrateCommand() { super("migrate"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { HashSet<String> strings = new HashSet<String>(); try { Reader r = new InputStreamReader( new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("Entity.sql"))); boolean QUOTE_STATE = false; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); boolean done = false; while (!done) { int c =; switch (c) { case -1: if (QUOTE_STATE) System.err.println("Should not end in the quote state..."); done = true; break; case '\'': if (QUOTE_STATE) { strings.add(b.toString()); b = new StringBuilder(); } QUOTE_STATE = !QUOTE_STATE; break; default: if (QUOTE_STATE) b.append((char) c); } } r.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } /* find the newegg module */ Module newegg = null; for (Module m : Core.getModules()) { if (m.getModuleName().equals("Newegg Parser")) newegg = m; } if (newegg == null) { commandError("migrate", "Could not find module 'Newegg Parser'."); return; } String[] strarr = new String[strings.size()]; strarr = strings.toArray(strarr); if (Core.getDatabase() != null) Core.getDatabase().addProductIds(newegg, strarr); } } private static class TestServerCommand extends Command { public TestServerCommand() { super("testserver"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { try { String query = "raid"; if (args.size() > 1) query = args.get(1).getToken(); String limit = "15"; if (args.size() > 2) limit = args.get(2).getToken(); String page = "1"; if (args.size() > 3) page = args.get(3).getToken(); URLConnection connection = new URL("http://localhost:16317/search" /*""*/).openConnection(); HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection) connection; http.setDoInput(true); http.setDoOutput(true); http.setUseCaches(false); http.setRequestMethod("GET"); http.connect(); http.getOutputStream().write( ("{\"select\":[\"gid\",\"url\"]," + " \"name\":\"" + query + "\"," + " \"page\":\"" + page + "\"," + " \"pagesize\":" + limit + "}").getBytes()); //http.getOutputStream().write( // ("{\"gid\":0}").getBytes()); http.getOutputStream().flush(); http.getOutputStream().close(); InputStream input = http.getInputStream(); while (true) { int c =; if (c == -1) break; AnsiConsole.out.print((char) c); } input.close(); Console.printError("TEST","TEST","checkPrice: " + Core.checkPrice(Core.getModules().get(0), 0, 1000)); } catch (IOException e) { Console.commandError("testserver", "", e); } } } private static class TriggersCommand extends Command { public TriggersCommand() { super("triggers"); } private void printInfo(long gid, PriceTrigger info) { if (info == null) { println("No triggers found."); return; } println(BOLD + "Trigger gid = " + Core.toUnsignedString(gid) + ":" + UNBOLD); println(GRAY + " count: " + DEFAULT + info.getNumTracks()); for (Entry<Long, PriceTrack> entry : info.getModuleTracks().entrySet()) println(GRAY + " module trigger (id = " + Core.toUnsignedString(entry.getKey()) + ") count: " + DEFAULT + entry.getValue().getNumTracks()); PriceTrigger.printInfo(info.getThresholdTracks(), " "); for (Entry<Long, TreeSet<PriceTrack>> entry : info.getModuleThresholdTracks().entrySet()) { println(GRAY + " module trigger (id = " + Core.toUnsignedString(entry.getKey()) + "): " + DEFAULT); PriceTrigger.printInfo(entry.getValue(), " "); } } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { Long gid = null; try { if (args.size() > 1) gid = new BigInteger(args.get(1).getToken()).longValue(); else { commandError("triggers", "Incorrect number of arguments. Expected single gid parameter."); return; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { commandError("triggers", "Unable to parse gid."); return; } lockConsole(); if (gid != null) { PriceTrigger info = Core.getPriceTrigger(gid); printInfo(gid, info); } unlockConsole(); } } private static class ImageQueueCommand extends Command { public ImageQueueCommand() { super("imagequeue"); } @Override public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { lockConsole(); println(GRAY + " queue start: " + DEFAULT + Core.getImageQueueStart()); println(GRAY + " queue end: " + DEFAULT + Core.getImageQueueEnd()); unlockConsole(); } } private static class ExitCommand extends Command { public ExitCommand() { super("exit"); } } } class Cursor { private int tokenIndex; private int tokenPos; public Cursor(int tokenIndex, int tokenPosition) { this.tokenIndex = tokenIndex; this.tokenPos = tokenPosition; } public int getTokenIndex() { return this.tokenIndex; } public int getTokenPosition() { return this.tokenPos; } } class Command { private String name; private Command[] subcommands; public Command(String name) { = name; this.subcommands = new Command[0]; } public Command(String name, Command... subcommands) { = name; this.subcommands = subcommands; } public String getName() { return name; } public Command[] getSubcommands() { return subcommands; } private void getCommandPrefix( StringBuilder builder, List<Token> args, int index) { if (index > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < index - 1; i++) { builder.append(args.get(i).getToken()); builder.append(" "); } builder.append(args.get(index - 1).getToken()); builder.append(": "); } } public void run(List<Token> args, int index) { String token = ""; if (index < args.size()) token = args.get(index).getToken(); else { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); getCommandPrefix(builder, args, index - 1); builder.append("Command '"); builder.append(args.get(index - 1).getToken()); builder.append("' not implemented."); Console.println(builder.toString()); return; } for (Command subcommand : subcommands) { if (subcommand.getName().equals(token)) {, index + 1); return; } } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); getCommandPrefix(builder, args, index); builder.append("Unrecognized command '"); builder.append(args.get(index).getToken()); builder.append("'."); Console.println(builder.toString()); } } class Token { private String token; private int sourcePos; private int sourceLength; public Token (String token, int sourcePosition, int sourceLength) { this.token = token; this.sourcePos = sourcePosition; this.sourceLength = sourceLength; } public String getToken() { return token; } public int getSourcePosition() { return sourcePos; } public int getSourceLength() { return sourceLength; } } enum LexerState { NORMAL, SINGLE_QUOTE, DOUBLE_QUOTE, NORMAL_ESCAPE, QUOTE_ESCAPE }